Cabinet Minister drops into Swift Project


Sajid Javid visit croppedSajid Javid called in to meet participants on the Swift Project being run by Sound Architect in partnership with ESCC and MDHUB.

The Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport spent time chatting to the women entrepreneurs who are all participating in the project which aims to support self-employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for women by enhancing their digital skills and enabling them to take advantage of the faster and more reliable broadband that ESCC is putting in place, particularly in rural areas.

Well over 40 women have signed up to access the part-time training and support between October and March 2015.  Those involved come from varied backgrounds with some already running established businesses and some who have a germ of an idea but want some help and advice to get started.

Said the Minister, “Our nationwide rollout of superfast broadband is a central part of this government’s long-term economic plan and is transforming the digital landscape of the UK.  An additional 28,000 East Sussex homes and businesses can now access superfast speeds as a result of our investment, and we’re reaching more and more people every week.

“The Government’s Women and Broadband programme is designed to help women develop the skills and confidence to use superfast broadband to expand or set-up new businesses, and I’m delighted to see workshops such as this one helping these ventures to prosper in our new Superfast environment.”

Click here to find out more about the Swift Project