Honouring Heroes at Westminster

Susanne Crosby from Brighton and Jenny Clifton from Eastbourne are attending The National Service of Thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey on 11 November 2018, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Armistice.

Susanne and Jenny both took part in Eastbourne PALS and Sound Architect Creative Media’s ͞The Day Sussex Died͟ project with St Catherine’s College, Eastbourne, which researched the Sussex men who were at the Battle of Boar’s Head on 30th June 1916.

Members of the Royal family, and religious and political leaders will be joined by members of the public who have contributed to the Centenary on a national, regional and local level. Susanne Crosby, project manager and teacher with Sound Architect Creative Media will be accompanying Jenny Clifton, joint Head of History at St Catherine’s College in Eastbourne.

Recognising the huge contribution the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) and its First World War projects have made to the Centenary, the Department for Digital, Media and Sport invited HLF to nominate people to attend the Service. As a result over 300 people who have been involved with HLF funded First World War projects across the UK will be attending the Service on Sunday.

“It’s a huge honour to be invited to attend the service at Westminster,” said Susanne, who has led on five different First World War projects over the past four years. “I have learned so much about the First World War and it’s learning about the individuals who were there that has been the most important to me. These are not just stories, these were real lives. I’ve learned of bravery that I could never have imagined, about surviving with humour and grace above the odds, in a war that did not respect dignity.͟” Both Jenny and Susanne have witnessed the impact the projects have had on the young people they have worked with. Susanne says “The students got to stand on the battlefield of the Battle of the Boars Head, near Richebourg in France, 100 years to the day. That had a profound effect on them. These were young soldiers, young men, some not much older than the students, and they could walk where they walked, really imagine what it was like. These are life changing experiences for these young people, and they will be carrying that to the generations to come, making sure that the people of the First World War are never forgotten.”

The Day Sussex Died Project was made possible by a grant of £9,200 from the Heritage Lottery Fund, which distributes the heritage share of National Lottery funding, supporting a wide variety of projects across the UK. HLF has invested £97million in 2,200 First World War Centenary projects.

The Day that Sussex Died

Sound Archithe-day-that-sussex-died-phototect Creative Media is working with Eastbourne PALS on this Heritage Lottery funded WW1 project where a class of Year 8 students from St Catherine’s College, Eastbourne, formerly the Bishop Bell School, are honouring and respecting the memory and the sacrifice of these brave Sussex men.

Chris Richards from PALS said: “It’s very important to keep this history alive, even though no doubt 100 years seems like a long time ago to the students. The Battle of Boars Head was hugely significant to Sussex, especially the Eastbourne area.” The battle, in Richebourg, France, took place on 30 June 1916 and over 1000 Sussex men were killed or wounded. The attack was a crucial strategic manoeuvre to deflect attention from the attack at the Somme further to the North which was due to start the next day: both battles of course resulted in a tragic loss of life.

The project researches the local contribution to raising a citizens’ army during the First World War and its impact on Eastbourne and other Sussex towns and villages.  It also promotes and encourages community participation in the 100th anniversary commemoration of the Royal Sussex Regiment’s 11th 12th & 13th Southdown’s Battalions (Lowther’s Lambs) Boar’s Head action in France, particularly amongst the descendants of those involved.  The project provides an information booklet and DVD record about Boar’s Head which was exhibited at the Eastbourne Redoubt Military Museum.

Students from St Catherine’s College interviewed a local Second World War Veteran as part of the project.  Harry Waddingham, step great grandfather to Robyn Foster in the class of year 8 from the school in Langney, Eastbourne, came in to talk about some of his experiences, giving the class a unique insight into what it was like to live in those times.

Said teacher, Mrs Jenny Clifton, “It is a fascinating insight into a time these students have never known and by listening to real life stories it helps them to understand. Through researching this project, the students are discovering all sorts of local connections. This makes it real for them, not just history.”

Click here to read the booklet

Click here to view the exhibition boards